Travis Perkins

Shap­ing the future of build­ing supplies

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Creation
  • Messaging
  • Design

We helped Travis Perkins cre­ate the first tru­ly omnichan­nel brand in the build­ing sup­plies mar­ket to ser­vice an emerg­ing dig­i­tal native cus­tomer base. In one year, with one branch, BUILT/ became a £1m cash-based busi­ness, beat­ing Travis Perkins’ oth­er 26 brands.

We posi­tioned BUILT/ as the pro­fes­sion­al on-demand build­ing sup­plies challenger. 

The brand propo­si­tion we val­ue your time as well as your mon­ey’ was dri­ven through every­thing, cre­at­ing a dis­tinc­tive brand and col­league expe­ri­ence.

We cre­at­ed a stand­out dig­i­tal first iden­ti­ty sys­tem and effi­cient tonal­i­ty. To land the brand promise in a mean­ing­ful way we cre­at­ed dis­tinc­tive ser­vice propo­si­tions, cus­tomer jour­ney, and retail experience.

Jump straight to the Impact


The design strat­e­gy was to cre­ate a slick stream­lined brand that act­ed as the antithe­sis to the tra­di­tion­al builders mer­chant. BUILT/’s for­ward slash, colour palette and sharp bespoke type­face posi­tioned Built/​as a true dig­i­tal first-brand.

This is a tru­ly omnichan­nel brand that works bril­liant­ly in the real world and online. That was one of our biggest chal­lenges, and it’s a huge success.

Nick Thomas, Managing Director, BUILT/


The tra­di­tion­al builders mer­chant mod­el was old, and inef­fi­cient. BUILT/ was designed to save builders time as well as mon­ey. We ampli­fied the brand ben­e­fit of effi­cien­cy through the whole expe­ri­ence. The brand extend­ed the time that cus­tomers were pro­duc­tive beyond the 9 – 5.


A new punchy yet pro­fes­sion­al sec­tor lan­guage deliv­ered on the promise of sav­ing cus­tomers time and money.


We imag­ined the role of BUILT/ staff as that of a pit crew and reflect­ed the idea in a stream­lined uni­form and set of behaviours. 

Effi­cien­cy was even rep­re­sent­ed in the idea of using raw mate­ri­als as the fin­ish instore and blend­ed seam­less­ly with the dig­i­tal experience

Going beyond Click & Collect

We created Lock & Load, a hero ser­vice designed to go even fur­ther than click and col­lect, sav­ing builders time and money. Other promise led service propositions supported it.


  • In one year, with one branch, BUILT/ became a £1m cash-based busi­ness, beat­ing Travis Perkins’ oth­er 26 brands.

  • 200% con­ver­sion rate through mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als across omni-chan­nel pur­chase paths

  • 80+ net pro­mot­er
    scores after launch