
Pio­neer­ing a new cat­e­go­ry of doing good by doing nothing

  • Brand Creation
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • Naming
  • Messaging
  • Tone of Voice
  • Design
  • Film
  • Social Media Content

We put this dis­tinc­tive­ly feel-good fin­tech on the map. By cre­at­ing a strat­e­gy that encour­aged peo­ple to har­ness their spend­ing pow­er, ekko launched as the day-to-day deb­it card of choice for peo­ple who care about cli­mate change.

We cre­at­ed a break­through emo­tive name and brand iden­ti­ty that chal­lenged the norms. In a min­i­mal­ist cat­e­go­ry ekko is a dis­tinc­tive, opti­mistic, more-is-more brand. 

We cham­pi­oned a brand strat­e­gy that went beyond tree plant­i­ng to become sec­tor lead­ing in cli­mate tech. We used gam­i­fi­ca­tion to dri­ve behav­iour and tan­gi­ble dif­fer­ence. And that was just the start. We’re now work­ing with the ekko team to take the brand to new audiences.

Jump straight to the Impact

This brand has super­charged our think­ing and our growth, and our rela­tion­ship with ODA is just get­ting started.

Oli Cook, Co-founder and CEO, ekko


Inspired by the idea of the but­ter­fly effect, the dual­i­ty at the heart of the propo­si­tion became the dri­ver of the brand name and identity.


We cre­at­ed a super con­fi­dent, dis­tinc­tive brand world with a per­son­al­i­ty inspired by the bright, bold ide­al­ism and design of the 60s and 70s. Where a hip­pie ethos meets cut­ting edge cli­mate technology. 


Objec­tive: get ekko noticed and talked about at point of payment.


Intro­duced gam­i­fi­ca­tion to encour­age pos­i­tive behav­iour. Car­bon­meters allows ekko cus­tomers to mon­i­tor their car­bon footprint. 


  • 114% over­fund­ed on their first crowd­fund­ing campaign

  • Won Best Green Ini­tia­tive at the Fin­Tech Futures PayTech Awards

  • The first UK fin­tech to join the Mas­ter­card Price­less Plan­et Coalition

  • Achieved part­ner­ship with AC Milan and Real Madrid to sup­port their fan cards