Liv­ing Streets

Turn­ing an unknown char­i­ty into a social movement

  • Rebrand
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • Design
  • Copy Writing
  • Tone of Voice
  • Illustration
  • Campaign idea

We start­ed a move­ment about move­ment to give Liv­ing Streets a spring in their step. Unit­ing the organ­i­sa­tion behind a new pur­pose helped the brand make great strides in growth and cre­at­ed a 39% increase par­tic­i­pa­tion for its icon­ic behav­iour change program.

Build­ing on its her­itage as The Pedes­tri­an Soci­ety, we reignit­ed the organ­i­sa­tion with the ral­ly­ing cry let’s cre­ate a walk­ing nation’, refram­ing an every­day pedes­tri­an act into some­thing trans­for­ma­tive for indi­vid­u­als and society. 

A bold brand iden­ti­ty and archi­tec­ture cel­e­brates the brand’s her­itage while increas­ing its rel­e­vance with spe­cif­ic con­sumer and busi­ness audi­ences. The strat­e­gy joined up all aspects of the organ­i­sa­tion and reshaped and inspired new prod­ucts, ser­vices, and campaigns.

Jump straight to the Impact

ODA under­stood our chal­lenge, got right under the skin of our unusu­al char­i­ty, and cre­at­ed the uni­fied voice we so des­per­ate­ly needed.

Annabel Davies, Marketing Director, Living Streets


For 90 years, Liv­ing Streets has been a bea­con for walk­ing. In the ear­ly days their cam­paign­ing led to the UK’s first zebra cross­ing. This truth is reflect­ed in a bold new suite of dynam­ic logos.


A bold, flex­i­ble brand world was designed to be a dis­tinc­tive visu­al force per­fect for cam­paign materials. 


Peo­ple take walk­ing for grant­ed. A dis­tinct tone of voice made a pow­er­ful case for walk­ing based on sim­ple irrefutable ben­e­fits, deliv­ered with dynam­ic copy.

Icon­ic B2B behav­iour change pro­gramme was reframed as a year-long walk­ing chal­lenge dri­ving greater engage­ment and revenues.


  • Increased and diver­si­fied income streams

  • 39% increase in schools par­tic­i­pat­ing in Walk to School

  • Increased pub­lic and politi­cian awareness

  • Mem­ber­ship increased with 41% of new mem­bers donating