
Putting Kuoni back on the map

  • Brand Strategy
  • Proposition
  • Naming
  • Visual identity
  • Verbal identity
  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand launch

Kuoni, once an icon­ic trav­el brand, had become pigeon­holed as lux­u­ry Indi­an Ocean hon­ey­moons, lim­it­ing its broad­er appeal and rel­e­vance. Per­ceived as expen­sive, it was strug­gling to define its val­ue.

To reclaim its lead­er­ship in glob­al trav­el, Kuoni need­ed to broad­en its appeal, becom­ing the go-to choice for more peo­ple and des­ti­na­tions. The goal? To trans­form it from a brand trav­ellers aspire to book with into one they actu­al­ly do.

In a sea of same­ness, we cre­at­ed a dis­tinc­tive and pur­pose­ful brand root­ed in Kuoni’s ethos, focus­ing on why peo­ple trav­el, not just where. An approach that unlocks the wow’ for every traveller. 

We cre­at­ed the mantra Go wow or go home’ to embody Kuoni’s com­mit­ment to mak­ing the mag­ic of wow’ hol­i­days acces­si­ble to more peo­ple, brought to life through a play­ful new brand identity.


Rein­tro­duc­ing and reimag­in­ing Kuoni’s icon­ic globe as a sym­bol of wow moments around the world rein­forced its sta­tus as a glob­al trav­el operator.

Adding Trav­el’ into the logo trans­formed Kuoni from a means into a mind­set, posi­tion­ing the brand as a way of expe­ri­enc­ing the world.

This wasn’t just a visu­al rebrand­ing exer­cise; it was about revi­tal­is­ing a once mar­ket lead­ing brand that had lost its way and giv­ing us a strong foun­da­tion to grow from.”

Caroline Child, Marketing Director


Wow Yel­low’ brings bold­ness and bright­ness to the brand. It’s a lit­tle shot of play­ful­ness that breaks from tra­di­tion­al lux­u­ry and makes the brand feel more acces­si­ble. The com­bined palette cap­tures the essence of those unfor­get­table Wow Moments Kuoni cre­ates for their travellers.

I have nev­er worked with a brand part­ner who felt so much part of the team from the very start, and that are as strong in the think­ing as they are in the doing.”

Caroline Child, Marketing Director


Imagery and tone shift­ed from des­ti­na­tion focused to wow expe­ri­ences that spoke to the needs of mod­ern trav­ellers. The focus was on cap­tur­ing real moments through nar­ra­tive-led pho­tog­ra­phy and an upbeat and play­ful brand voice.


We worked close­ly with Kuoni’s teams to ensure that we brought a wow to every touch­point, from online to its 27 high street stores and John Lewis locations.

Not only am I for­tu­nate enough to now have a fab­u­lous new brand iden­ti­ty to play with, but it’s one that actu­al­ly works in real life — not just in the Guide­lines document!”

Caroline Child, Marketing Director