Becoming a leading light in inclusivity

Intro­duc­ing a Phab new identity

Phab was cel­e­brat­ing over 65 years of build­ing an inclu­sive world, bring­ing togeth­er dis­abled and non-dis­abled peo­ple of all ages in a spir­it of togeth­er­ness, fun and cre­at­ing spaces and places. ODA were bought in to help the organ­i­sa­tion get rid of the dat­ed’ per­cep­tion and dri­ve new growth and fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Our rebrand took them from a dat­ed’ char­i­ty mod­el that lacked rel­e­vance to a mod­ern organ­i­sa­tion of affil­i­ate clubs com­mit­ted to inclusion

The refreshed brand is root­ed in under­stand­ing the social mod­el of dis­abil­i­ty — a way of view­ing the world, devel­oped by dis­abled peo­ple. Phab believes that inclu­sion ben­e­fits every­one and seeks to cre­ate a world where any­one can do any­thing. Suc­cess in the future depends on us all think­ing inclu­sive­ly and being nat­u­ral­ly more col­lab­o­ra­tive in prob­lem solv­ing when it comes to soci­eties’ big issues. We posi­tioned Phab Clubs as the place to learn, belong and thrive.

Inclu­sion isn’t about fit­ting in, it’s about belong­ing. We devel­oped an icon­ic word­mar­que that includ­ed a lit­tle tweak to the a’ in the logo. The visu­al style, built out of shapes cre­at­ed from the word­mar­que, cel­e­brates the fact that every­one is dif­fer­ent and that life’s more colour­ful when we all come together.

We extend­ed the brand­ing into Mini Phab, cre­at­ing char­ac­ters from our Phab blocks to entice younger audience.

We are con­tin­u­ing to work with them becom­ing a lead­ing light in inclu­siv­i­ty and bring­ing togeth­er abled bod­ied and dis­abled peo­ple. Help­ing them tap into new areas of rev­enue and funding.