Pass It On, Our Teaser Campaign for Unfinished Sentence
Our friends at Unfinished Sentence, a Co-Creation Agency in New York, asked us to create a brand identity, teaser campaign, and film for their launch. The agency was set up as an antidote to the usual siloed approach to the innovation process, where the idea is passed on from agency to client to agency and risks becoming diluted or lost. We were keen to avoid the usual corporate jargon to explain what they did and instead find a simple analogy. So, we created a deliberately different way of speaking that included referring to current quant research as the ‘consumer zoo’. The brand idea ‘we never drop the baton’ refers to their own co-creative model. The process successfully fast-tracks the journey from breakthrough insight to telegraphic creative concept. The idea inspired a strong, simple graphic look, and the idea for a ‘pass it on’ awareness-building teaser campaign.