Latest Launch: Lissom Flyte

We are super excit­ed to share our lat­est brand iden­ti­ty project for Lis­som. We were engaged to help our client cre­ate a new play­er in the ath­leisure’ mar­ket with a footwear brand aimed at mat based activ­i­ty enthu­si­asts. We looked beyond shoes to cre­ate a brand that believes in total body movement.

Jen­nifer, the entre­pre­neur behind Lis­som Fly­te, came to us with a clear vision and pas­sion for the brand. She and her team designed the ulti­mate shoe to help women take con­scious steps to dis­cov­er the pow­er­ful con­nec­tion between their feet and core.

To cut through in the crowd­ed Ath­leisure’ mar­ket we had to cre­ate a new cat­e­go­ry. The idea of a Mind­ful Move­ment’ brand com­bines the mind­ful­ness of mat prac­tice with per­for­mance dri­ven footwear. We helped trans­late this pas­sion into a com­pelling brand strat­e­gy with our propo­si­tion, Carpe Momen­tum. Most of us dash around on autopi­lot, in shoes that dull the sens­es, and this brand helps us take con­scious steps to be more mind­ful of our move­ment and present in every moment. This atti­tude is summed up in the call to action: Live in the Movement.

We cre­at­ed a brand iden­ti­ty that brings the idea of move­ment to life and radi­ates out from the shoe itself. We also devel­oped the brand name Lis­som Fly­te, and the brand iden­ti­ty includ­ing sto­ry­telling and tone of voice.

Check out the web­site www​.lis​som​.com