Built/ features on Retail Design World
Fantastic to see our work for BUILT/ showcased on Retail Design World.
Builders merchant Travis Perkins has launched a new store format under a new brand, designed for trade customers working in the digital age. The new format uses a new name – BUILT/– and has been created by Our Design Agency, which developed the strategy, identity, and design for the project. The first branch opened earlier this year in Aston, Birmingham, with more planned.
BUILT/ is seeking to challenge existing players in the building supplies sector by creating an offer that appeals to builders who want an efficient and digital service. The forward slash in the name has been included to symbolise that the brand operates in the digital world.
Understanding how the brand could save its customers time and money at every interaction was key to the approach that Our Design Agency took to the project. As a result its service proposition includes the ‘Lock and Load’ system, which is based on high street click & collect models. After ordering digitally, customers arrive in their vans and are directed to allotted bays, where staff are waiting with their items. Staff uniforms reflect the idea that they provide a service like a motor racing pit crew.
Originally posted on Retail Design World.
26 June 2018