Brighton Gin features on The Spirits Business

Brighton Gin launch­es rain­bow bot­tles for Pride

Brighton Gin has unveiled a range of eight colour­ful bot­tle designs in cel­e­bra­tion of Brighton Pride and will donate a por­tion of the sales to charity.

The brand is releas­ing 1,400 bot­tles in the colours of pink, red, orange, yel­low, green, blue, indi­go and vio­let, reflect­ing the Gay Pride rain­bow flag.

Each bot­tle will also fea­ture a let­ter, with the range col­lec­tive­ly spelling Brighton’. Design­er Matt Hol­brow from Our Design Agency pro­vid­ed the hand-paint­ed brush strokes for the label.

The lim­it­ed-edi­tion bot­tles are price £45 (US$59) and Brighton Gin will donate £2 from every bot­tle sold to The Rain­bow Fund, the Brighton and Hove-based grant for local LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS organisations.

Set to be bold­er, more beau­ti­ful and bril­liant than ever, we’re so proud that we host the UK’s biggest Pride Fes­ti­val in our free-think­ing, cam­paign­ing (and hedo­nis­tic!) home city,” said Kathy Caton, founder of Brighton Gin.

We want to cel­e­brate that ulti­mate spir­it of Brighton and con­tribute again to the essen­tial work of the Rain­bow Fund in sup­port­ing the city’s LGBTQ+ com­mu­ni­ty and vol­un­tary sector.”

Brighton Gin will be walk­ing the Brighton Pride Parade for the first time on 4 August.

The brand, launched in 2014, dis­tils its gin using cer­ti­fied organ­ic wheat spir­it and botan­i­cals includ­ing juniper, peel from fresh oranges and limes, corian­der seed and milk thistle.

Check out the full arti­cle here

21 June 2018 | Amy Hopkins