A bold new brand for Dry Drinker

The alco­hol-free mar­ket in the UK is sky­rock­et­ing, with a stag­ger­ing 47% of UK adults now reg­u­lar­ly switch­ing between alco­holic and alco­hol-free options. Dry Drinker was once the leader, but its trans­ac­tion­al approach was start­ing to feel flat, while oth­er, more vibrant brands were steal­ing a march. As the space evolved the role of the brand was longer just about offer­ing choic­es, but becom­ing the author­i­ty and guid­ing peo­ple through them.

The chal­lenge? Rein­vent the brand, tak­ing it beyond a trans­ac­tion­al expe­ri­ence to the go-to des­ti­na­tion, a trust­ed voice — a wit­ty, con­fi­dent cura­tor — help­ing con­sumers dis­cov­er high-qual­i­ty, mind­ful alter­na­tives in a rapid­ly grow­ing world of alco­hol-free options.

Tap­ping into a matur­ing mar­ket
Changes in con­sumer behav­iour cre­at­ed increas­ing demand for a plat­form that does more than offer prod­ucts, but shares insight and exper­tise. Recog­nis­ing this need, we cre­at­ed a brand iden­ti­ty for Dry​drinker​.com that steps into the role of cura­tor, posi­tion­ing the com­pa­ny as the trust­ed guide in the no and low alco­hol space. This new per­sona lever­ages the brand’s exper­tise and helps con­sumers explore the cat­e­go­ry with con­fi­dence, ele­vat­ing their expe­ri­ence through cura­tion, edu­ca­tion, and the joy of discovery.

Cre­at­ing a dis­tinc­tive dry’ per­sona
The brand­ing con­cept revolves around the idea of dry’- both in taste and tone — infus­ing the per­sona with sharp, sophis­ti­cat­ed wit. We cre­at­ed a voice that is both play­ful and pol­ished, with an empha­sis on clar­i­ty and mind­ful­ness. The brand’s per­sona offers effer­ves­cent humour and sober sophis­ti­ca­tion, ensur­ing con­sumers feel con­fi­dent as they nav­i­gate this rapid­ly expand­ing world.

Bring­ing the brand to life visu­al­ly
To trans­late this per­sona visu­al­ly, we col­lab­o­rat­ed with renowned let­ter­ing artist Rachel Joy, who hand-drew a logo that encap­su­lates the per­son­al­i­ty of the Dry Drinker.’ The design reflects the brand’s approach­able sophis­ti­ca­tion, with organ­ic marks and a refined yet invit­ing feel. Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from expert notes in the mar­gin, the design sub­tly rein­forces Dry Drinker’s role as an expert explor­er and guide, with per­son­alised touch­es that add warmth and character.

The hand-drawn logo by Rachel Joy was the per­fect way to bring the brand’s per­son­al­i­ty to life. It bal­ances sophis­ti­ca­tion and approach­a­bil­i­ty, mak­ing it invit­ing for con­sumers while rein­forc­ing the expert, curat­ed nature of the brand.” Grant Willis, Founder and Cre­ative Direc­tor, ODA Branding.

Guid­ing the future of the no and low mar­ket
With this refreshed brand iden­ti­ty, Dry Drinker is set to lead the mar­ket with clar­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty, pro­vid­ing con­sumers with expert­ly curat­ed selec­tions and insight­ful notes that spark curios­i­ty. The new per­sona not only helps the brand stand out but also enhances the over­all shop­ping expe­ri­ence, mak­ing the explo­ration of these drinks fun, engag­ing, and sophisticated.