Latest brand launch: Volition

Voli­tion­RX Nu.Q is seek­ing to change the can­cer par­a­digm re-think­ing the way we think about can­cer with pio­neer­ing ear­ly diag­no­sis, giv­ing diag­nos­tic pow­er to med­ical pro­fes­sion­als and hope and reas­sur­ance to their parents.

Voli­tion­RX Nu.Q is seek­ing to change the can­cer by par­a­digm re-think­ing the way we think about can­cer. Their pio­neer­ing ear­ly diag­no­sis gives diag­nos­tic pow­er to med­ical pro­fes­sion­als and hope and reas­sur­ance to their patients. Can­cer is a very scary word, but much of the fear of it comes from the way in which it’s treat­ed today. Diag­no­sis often comes late in the day, demand­ing dras­tic inter­ven­tions, with less pos­i­tive outcomes.

Our strat­e­gy was to human­ise what could oth­er­wise become quite sci­en­tif­ic and divorced from the human angle. Our brand pur­pose a brighter future’ is reflect­ed in the brand iden­ti­ty, rep­re­sent­ing the val­ues: pio­neer­ing, opti­mistic, chal­leng­ing, altru­is­tic and com­pas­sion­ate. We cap­tured the pos­i­tive opti­mistic approach of Voli­tion and a future where hope’ and can­cer’ can live hap­pi­ly in the same sentence.