Built/ features on Logo Designer

Our Design Agency (ODA) has cre­at­ed the brand­ing and iden­ti­ty for new builders’ mer­chant, BUILT/.

Launched by the Travis Perkins group, the build­ing sup­plies start-up says it is tak­ing aim at a new gen­er­a­tion of builders look­ing for an effi­cient and dig­i­tal ser­vice at their fingertips.”

As a result, the use of the for­ward slash in both the busi­ness name and brand­ing para­pher­na­lia roots the iden­ti­ty sys­tem in the online world imme­di­ate­ly”, accord­ing to ODA.

The strong, sim­ple graph­ic iden­ti­ty sys­tem is root­ed in the online ver­nac­u­lar with the for­ward slash com­mu­ni­cat­ing the speed and ease of this dig­i­tal-led brand,” says the agency.

Our propo­si­tion was: Your 24-hour build­ing site’, which we brought to life with BUILT/​Building Sup­plies on Demand to reflect the ease with which builders could order and col­lect their mate­ri­als. We knew that if we looked and behaved like oth­er builders’ mer­chants we risked indif­fer­ence so it had to feel like a step change,” adds ODA’s cre­ative strate­gist, Sarah Westwood.

ODA also worked with the BUILT/ team on devel­op­ing ser­vice propo­si­tions includ­ing Lock and Load’, based on the click and col­lect mod­el used on the high street; after order­ing dig­i­tal­ly, cus­tomers arrive in their vans to be direct­ed to allot­ted bays, where staff wait with their items, ready to lock and load”.

ODA imag­ined the role of BUILT/ staff role as that of a pit crew, whose mis­sion was to help cus­tomers get in and out as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. This idea is reflect­ed in their uni­form design,” explain the designers.

The first BUILT/ depot has already launched in Aston, Birm­ing­ham, and a sec­ond is due to open in Birm­ing­ham lat­er on this summer.