Pass It On, Our Teaser Campaign for Unfinished Sentence

Our friends at Unfin­ished Sen­tence, a Co-Cre­ation Agency in New York, asked us to cre­ate a brand iden­ti­ty, teas­er cam­paign, and film for their launch. The agency was set up as an anti­dote to the usu­al siloed approach to the inno­va­tion process, where the idea is passed on from agency to client to agency and risks becom­ing dilut­ed or lost. We were keen to avoid the usu­al cor­po­rate jar­gon to explain what they did and instead find a sim­ple anal­o­gy. So, we cre­at­ed a delib­er­ate­ly dif­fer­ent way of speak­ing that includ­ed refer­ring to cur­rent quant research as the con­sumer zoo’. The brand idea we nev­er drop the baton’ refers to their own co-cre­ative mod­el. The process suc­cess­ful­ly fast-tracks the jour­ney from break­through insight to tele­graph­ic cre­ative con­cept. The idea inspired a strong, sim­ple graph­ic look, and the idea for a pass it on’ aware­ness-build­ing teas­er campaign.